Convergence Insufficiency

Convergence Insufficiency is a visual dysfunction that has profound impacts on reading and learning. In order to read, our eyes must turn inward then move across the page together as a team. If you struggle with Convergence Insufficiency, your eyes will put forth excessive effort to focus on the page during sustained reading periods and quick transitions like note-taking.


Did you know?

5-10% of students have not properly developed the ability to comfortably aim their eyes inward to focus on the page in front of them

(That’s 2-3 students in every classroom!)

Common symptoms often shown with Convergence Insufficiency:

  • Double vision while reading

  • Headaches and eyestrain with reading

  • Fatigue, irritability, sleepiness with near work

  • Shorter attention span toward reading and homework

  • Decreased performance in reading speed, comprehension, and fluency

  • Difficulty taking notes in class

  • Excessive time required to complete assignments and reading

Concerned these symptoms sound like you or your child? Watch this video to learn a simple test you can do at home to check for signs.